Guidelines for Using the Western Mass EMDRIA
Google Group
This online Group allows members to:
1. Communicate with other regional EMDR clinicians about various topics of interest
relating to the field of EMDR practice.
2. Introduce themselves and their practice to others in this regional community of EMDR
3. Announce information about areas of specialty practice as well as EMDR resources such
as study groups, consultation groups and services, trainings, and continuing education
4. Make referral requests and provide referral services for potential or current clients.
5. Publicize local, regional, and general announcements relating to EMDR events,
developments, and news.
6. Share resource information such as new books, articles, and web links relevant to the
practice of EMDR psychotherapy.
7. Receive announcements from the Western Mass EMDRIA Steering Committee.
The Western Mass EMDRIA Google Group is for communication about EMDR theory, clinical
practice, training or continuing education opportunities and other EMDR-related developments
only. The Group Moderator will respond to postings that contain inappropriate content.
Group members should not post any content which contains:
1. Identifying information about clients that violates the HIPAA privacy act (i.e. names,
phone numbers, addresses, or case details that might lead to client identification).
2. Religious, political or personal statements.
3. Personal criticism of anyone in either the general community or the professional
community of EMDR practitioners.
4. Information related to property or other business-related information (i.e . office
sublets, furniture for sale, etc) However, postings about EMDR-related equipment such
as light bars, tappers, etc are welcome.
5. Any content not directly related to EMDR and EMDR-related work.
If you have any questions about these guidelines, or are uncertain if specific content
is appropriate to post, feel free to contact me in my role as Group Moderator.
Thanks again for being a part of this wonderful community, and I hope the Western Mass
EMDRIA Google Group serves you and your practice well.
George Abbott, PhD
Western Mass EMDRIA Google Group Moderator