Archives of Prior Conferences (years 2009-present at UMass, years 2005-2008 at Smith College)

17th Annual Spring Conference
April 6, 2024, State of the Art EMDR
Kittredge Center, Holyoke Community College
Keynote: “Dissociation Made Simple: Changing the Conversation for EMDR Therapists” - Jamie Marich, Ph.D., LPCC-S, RYT-500
Morning Workshops
“Going from Clinician to Healer with Path of the Wounded Healer: Meeting Area Screening and Assessment (MASA)” - Adam O’Brien, Ph.D.
“Dual Focus Treatment: OCD and PTSD” - Paula Krentzel, Ph.D., Jennifer Tattersall, LCSW, CCDP, CBIS
Afternoon Workshops
“Using the Feeling State Addiction Protocol (FSAP) with Persistent Action/Behaviors & Feelings: Oppositional Patterns and Attitudes that Interfere with the Therapy Process” - Ross Hackerson, MA, LMFT
“EMDR Therapy for Loss and Grief: The Phenomenon of After Death Communications – Spontaneous and Induced” - George Abbott, Ph.D. & Ted Olejnik, LICSW, LAC-I
“Boundaries in Eight Dimensions: Expanding Safety in the Eight Phases of EMDR” - Anne Thompson, LPC
“Integrating Yoga into EMDR - Phase 2” - Hannah Tosi, LICSW
16th Annual Spring Conference
May 13, 2023, State of the Art EMDR
Kittredge Center, Holyoke Community College
Keynote: “Strengthening the Adaptive Information Processing System Through an IFS Lens” - Nancy Simons, LMHC
Morning Workshops:
“Perinatal and Postpartum Loss and Birth Trauma: Holding Space for Loss, Life and Death” - Sabrina Herman, LICSW
“With Complex Trauma, We are Actually Shifting Between the 3 Phases. Come Learn Why!” - Farnsworth Lobenstine, LICSW
Afternoon workshops:
“EMDR Therapy for Grief: The Phenomenon of ‘After Death Communication,’ Natural and Induced” - Dr. George Abbott & Theodore (Ted) Olejnik, LICSW, LADC-I
“Intensive Trauma-Focused Therapy” - Ricky Greenwald, PsyD
“Qigong Infused Yoga™ For Mental Health Professionals: Breathing exercises and gentle movement to help heal the nervous system” - Lynne Nicole Smith
March 2022
Virtual Symposium Fundraiser: EMDR Therapy and Sexual Health (ongoing fundraiser, go to to register and watch the recorded event)
Presenters: Stephanie Baird, LMHC; Jeanne Folks, D.Min; LPC , Michelle Marchese, LICSW; Nancy Simons LMHC; Sabrina Herman, LICSW
15th Annual, March 30, 2019, State of the Art EMDR
Morning Keynote: Joanne H. Twombly MSW, LICSW “Overt and Covert Perpetrator Ego States: Implication for the Practice of EMDR Treatment”
Morning Workshops:
1. “Case Consultation on Overt and Covert Ego States” - Joanne Twombly, LICSW
2. “Let’s Talk About Sex: Bringing Sexual Health into Your EMDR Practice” - Stephanie Baird, LMHC
3. “Gender-Affirming EMDR with Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Clients” - Michelle Marchese, LICSW
4. “Treating Nightmares with an EMDR Protocol” - Ted Olejnick, LICSW, LADC-1
Afternoon Workshops:
5. “Strategic Integration of Art Therapy for the Treatment of Complex Trauma” - Elizabeth Davis, MFA, MS, ATR-BC, LCAT
6. “Trauma Therapy Innovations: Intensive Trauma-Focused Therapy & The Flash Technique” - Ricky Greenwald, PsyD
7. “Fighting the Bad Guys Before You Were Born: Using EMDR for Transgenerational and Structural Trauma” - Danielle Lehnard, LCSW and Amber Zinni, LCSW
8. “When Everything Goes Wrong, And What We Learn From It” - Jason Rose Langston, LICSW
14th Annual, April 7, 2018, State of the Art EMDR
Morning Keynote: Keynote was focus on results and discussion of her most recent treatment outcome study of the functional neuroanatomy of EMDR Therapy - Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD
Morning Workshops:
1. “Intensive Trauma-Focused Therapy” - Ricky Greenwald, PsyD
2. “When There are No Words Yet: Using EMDR to Heal Preverbal Trauma” - Jason Rose-Langston, LMHC
3. “Self Compassion as a Key to Healing Trauma” - Nancy Simons, LMHC
4. “A User’s Guide to the Feeling State Addiction Protocol” - Ross Hackerson, LMFT
Afternoon workshops:
5. “A Review of the Basic EMDR Model, Mechanisms and Procedures” - George Abbott, PhD
6. “Resonant Cognitive Interweaves: From the Gestalt Empty Chair to the Healing Power of Music & Lyrics” - Don DeGraffenried, LICSW
7. “EMDR and Ego States Therapy for Treatment of Suicidal Ideation and Self-Injury” - Anna Kogan, LICSW
8. “The I-Gaze Interweave for Attachment Repair in EMDR Therapy” - Barry Litt, MFT
9. “EMDR Toolbox for Medical Conditions” - Amanda Roberts, PhD, MA
13th Annual, April 8, 2017, State of the Art EMDR
Morning Keynote: “Recovering Community – Helping Complex Trauma Survivors Find Their Way Home” - Hope Payson, LCSW, LADC (webstreamed)
Morning Workshops:
1. "Using the EMDR Recent Event Protocol with Homicide Survivors & Victims of Other Violent Crimes" - Donald F. deGraffenried, LCSW
2. “EMDR and the Mapping Protocol with Hispanic Immigrants and other Populations with a History of Relocation” - Carmen Jimenez, Ed.D., LCSW (webstreamed)
3. “Healing from Toxic Relationships: Integrating EMDR with Family Systems Approaches” - Nancy Knudsen, M.Ed., LMFT
Afternoon workshops:
4. “Tactical Integration in the Conference Room: A Safe and Efficient Path to Healing Structural Dissociation with EMDR” - George Abbott, PhD (webstreamed)
5. “Vicarious Trauma, Burnout, and the EMDR Therapist: Taking Care of Ourselves” - Stephanie Baird, LMHC & Jason Rose-Langston, LICSW
6. “Treating Early Attachment Wounding: Somatic Interventions to Enhance EMDR Effectiveness” - Lana Epstein, LICSW
7a. "Fostering Resilience as an Aid to the EMDR Process” - Patricia Thatcher, LICSW
7b. “EMDR Therapy from Trauma to Spiritual Awakening: A Mindful Approach” - Irene R. Siegel, Ph.D., LCSW
12th Annual, April 9, 2016 State of the Art EMDR
Morning Keynote: "The Art of EMDR Therapy" - Roger Solomon, PhD
Morning Workshops:
1. "Practicum in 'The Resonant Dance with BLS'" - Roger Solomon, PhD
2. "Fundamentals of the Standard Protocol: An Update on the AIP Model and a Refresher Course on Standard EMDR Procedures (Part 1)" - George Abbott, PhD
3. "Integrating Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and EMDR with Suicidal and Self-Injuring Clients" - David Arbeitman, PhD, Ross Goodwin-Brown, LICSW, Gary Loomis, LMHC
Afternoon Workshops:
4. "Utilization of EMDR Therapy with Grief and Mourning" - Roger Solomon, PhD
5a. "Healing Culturally-Based Trauma with EMDR Therapy" - Mark Nickerson, LICSW
5b. "Fundamentals of the Standard Protocol (Part 2)" - George Abbott, PhD
6a. "Limiting Beliefs, Worldview, and Using the Miller Pain/Terror Technique" - Ross Hackerson, MFT
6b. "The Art of Interweaves" - Jason Rose-Langston, LICSW
11th Annual, March 28, 2015 State of the Art EMDR: The Body/Mind Connection
Morning Keynote: "Somatoform Symptoms and Disorders from the Perspective of the AIP Model" - George Abbott, PhD
Morning Workshops:
1. "Using Sudden Onset Symptoms to Guide Safe Closure of the Conference Room: A Safety Checklist" - George Abbott, PhD
2. "The Embodied Self in EMDR Therapy" - Barry Litt, LMFT
Afternoon Workshops:
3. "When Less is More: Restricted Processing in the Treatment of Complex Traumatization" - Denise Gelinas, PhD
4. "Is the Feeling State Addiction Protocol Too Good to be True?: Part Deux" - Mark Karpel, PhD
6. "Treating Chronic Pain with EMDR Therapy" - Ted Olejnik, MSW
7. "Spiritual Resources & EMDR Therapy" - Jeanne Folks, M. Div, D. Min, LPC
8. "Treating Sleep Disorders & Nightmares with EMDR Therapy" - Ted Olejnik, MSW
9. "The Art of Self-Care: Using Qio Gong Techniques for EMDR Resource Development" - Jason Rose-Langston, LICSW
10th Annual, May 3, 2014 State of the Art EMDR 2014: Protocol and Practice
Morning Plenary Session: "EMDR Protocols and EMDR Practice: A Clinician's Journey Towards Mastery" - Marilyn Luber, PhD
Afternoon Workshops:
1. "Fundamentals of the Standard Protocol: An Update on the AIP Model and a Refresher Course on Standard EMDR Procedures" - George Abbott, PhD
2. "From Relational Problems to Psychological Solutions: EMDR in Couples Therapy" - Barry Litt, LMFT
3. "Integrating EMDR and Internal Family Systems Therapy" - Joanne Twombly, LICSW
4. "The Cycle Model Protocol for Treating Problem Behaviors" - Mark Nickerson, LICSW
5. "Handy Tools for Kids and Teens" - Frankie Klaff, PhD
6. "Transforming Critical Incidents with the EMDR Group Treatment Protocol" - Patricia Thatcher, LICSW
7. "Is the Feeling State Addiction Protocol Too Good to be True?" - Mark Karpel, PhD
8. "The Compassion Container: A Protocol for Facilitating Healing" - Nancy Simons, LMHC
9th Annual, May 4, 2013 State of the Art EMDR 2013: Enhancing Clinical Practice
Morning Plenary Session: "'Smoke and Mirrors': Procedures for Managing Dissociative Impediments During EMDR Processing Phases" - Denise Gelinas, PhD
Afternoon Workshops:
1. "Tactical Integration in the Conference Room: A Safer, More Efficient Path to Healing Structural Dissociation of the Personality with EMDR" - George Abbott, PhD
2. "Fraser's Dissociative Table: When and How to Use it to Identify and Heal Emotional Parts of the Personality" - Kathleen Martin, LCSW
3. "EMDR and the Treatment of Adolescents: A Study in 3 Acts" - Jason Rose-Langston, LICSW
4. "Utilizing Mind/Body Resources with EMDR in the Treatment of Complex Trauma and Dissociation" - Patricia Thatcher, LICSW
5. "EMDR with Children ages 3-12, a Developmental and Attachment Perspective" - Cheryl Case, LICSW
6. "Implementing the Feeling-State Addiction Protocol for Behavioral and Substance Addictions" - Mark Nickerson, LICSW
8th Annual, May 5, 2012 EMDR & Relational Trauma: Healing Disrupted Attachment and Development
Morning Plenary Session: Self" - Deany Laliotis, LICSW
Afternoon Workshops:
1. "Integrating EMDR into a Long Term Psychodynamic Treatment Model" - Gina Colelli, LCSW
2. "Attachment at the Societal Level: Reprocessing Internalized Stigma and Oppression" - Diane DesPlantes, LCSW and Mark Nickerson, LICSW
3. "Keeping it in the Zone: Assessment and Techniques for Optimal Processing" - Barry Litt, LMFT
4. "Attachment Pathology from the AIP Perspective" - George Abbott, PhD
5. "The Use of Cognitive Interweaves in EMDR Treatment: A Review" - Nancy Abel, LCSW, LADC and John O'Brian, PhD
6. "Healing Young Hearts with EMDR: Working with Children" - Megan Kirby, PsyD and Kenneth Frohock, LMHC
7. "Physiological Psychotherapy: Integrating Heart Rate Variability into EMDR" - D. Eric Chamberlin, MD
8. "When There Are No Words: Effectively Treating Pre-Verbal Trauma and Neglect" - Wendy Ball, LMHC and Farnsworth Lobenstine, LICSW
9. "Legacy Informed EMDR: Accessing & Desensitizing Transgenerational & Cultural Sources" - Natalie Robinson, LICSW
7th Annual, April 2, 2011 State of the Art EMDR Tools and Strategies
Morning Plenary Session: "Tools of the Trade for EMDR Clinicians" - Roy Kiessling, LISW, ACSW
Afternoon Workshops:
1. "Belief-Focused EMDR" - Roy Kiessling, LISW, ACSW
2. "Update and Review of AIP Concepts and EMDR" - George Abbott, PhD
3A. "An Intervention to Enhance Secure Attachment Status" - Ricky Greenwald, PsyD
4A. "EMDR in Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder" - Diana Greywolf, PhD
5A. "The Use of Consecutive Day EMDR: Case Study and Discussion" - Nancy Abel, LCSW, LADC
3B. "Recent Trauma Processing" - Mark Nickerson, LICSW
4B. "When You Need the Help of Ego States" - Farnsworth Lobenstine, LICSW
5B. "Adjunctive EMDR: A Model for Brief Collaborative Treatment" - Suzanne Borstein, PhD
6th Annual, April 17, 2010 EMDR and Problem Behaviors
Morning Plenary Session: "EMDR and the Treatment of Problem Behaviors" - Mark Nickerson, LICSW
Afternoon Workshops:
1. "EMDR and the Stages of Change: Working with Addictions" - Nancy Abel, MSW and John O'Brien, PhD
2. "Integrating Treatment of Eating Disorders with EMDR" - Janie Scholom, RN, MSW
3A. "EMDR and Couples Therapy" - Barry Litt, MFT
3B. "EMDR and Self-Mutilation" - Karen Rowe, LICSW
3C. "EMDR in the Treatment of Chemical Dependency" - Hope Payson, LCSW
4A. "Marital Therapy for Treatment of Sexual Addiction" - Barbara Nadel, MSW, PhD
4B. "EMDR Applications in Dismantling Prejudice and Internalized Oppression" - Mark Nickerson, LICSW
4C. "Addressing Problem Behaviors in Children" - Cheryl Case, LICSW and Nancy Simons, LMHC
5th Annual, April 18, 2009 EMDR and the Body
Morning Plenary Session: "Minding the Body: Somatic Interventions for Enhancing EMDR Effectiveness" - Janina Fisher, PhD
Afternoon Workshops:
1. "The Body and Attachment: Sensorimotor Interventions to Enhance Effectiveness in the Treatment of Developmental Injuries" - Lana Epstein, MEd, MSW
2. "The Case of Mistaken Identity: EMDR and Ego State Therapy in the Treatment of Eating Disorders" - Andrew Seubert, MA
3. "The Enhanced Safe Place: A Practitioners Guide to Using Multi Sensory Imaging to Strengthen the Safe Place" - Donald DeGraffenreid, LICSW and Robert Page, LCSW, BCD
4A. "Integrating Energy Psychology into your EMDR Practice" - Farnsworth Lobenstine, LICSW
4B. "EMDR and Somatic Experiencing: A Body Expansive Integration" - Barbara Nadel, MSW, PhD
4C. "Somatic Processing in EMDR: Lessons from Eastern Psychology" - George Abbott, PhD and Melissa Tefft, LICSW
5A. "EMDR and the Brain: The Importance of Body Sensation" - Earl Grey, PhD
5B. "Listening to the Body: Enhancing Body Awareness in EMDR Reprocessing" - Mark Nickerson, LICSW
5C. "Integrating Yogic Postures, Breathing Techniques and Deep Relaxation with EMDR Practice" - Joann Lutz, LICSW
4th Annual, April 5, 2008 EMDR and The Treatment of Complex Trauma and Dissociation
Morning Plenary Session: "EMDR and the Treatment of Complex PTSD and Dissociation" - Deborah Korn, PsyD
Afternoon Workshops:
1. "Complex PTSD and EMDR: Treating the Dissociative Elements" - Denise Gelinas, PhD
2. "Incorporating EMDR and EMDR Adaptations into the Treatment of Dissociative Disorders" - Joanne Twombly, LICSW
3A. "Safely Applying EMDR to Trauma Processing with Dissociative Clients" - Marsha Heiman, PhD
3B. "Practical EMDR for Children with Complex Trauma" - Frankie Klaff, PhD
4A. "Managing the Family System During Individual EMDR Treatment of Complex Trauma" - Nancy Knudsen, MEd, LMFT
4B. "Advanced Techniques in the Use of EMDR to Treat Complex Trauma" - Barry Litt, MFT
3rd Annual, March 24, 2007 EMDR and Mindfulness
Morning Plenary Session: "The Miracle of Mindfulness/The Miracle of EMDR" - George Abbott, PhD
Morning Workshops:
1A. "The Practice of Mindfulness" - George Abbott, PhD and Melissa Tefft, LICSW
1B. "Oasis in the Overwhelm: 60 Second Mindfulness Strategies" - Millie Grenough, CRS, LCSW, BCD
1C. "Performance Enhancement Strategies: EMDR and Mindfulness" - D. Patrick McGuinness, MA, LCMHC
1D. "Effective Interventions for Complex Trauma: A Mindfulness Approach Using EMDR and Internal Family Systems Therapy" - Phyllis Craig, PhD
Afternoon Skit "Brain Processing and EMDR" - A skit performed by a group of EMDR therapists/actors
Afternoon Workshops:
2A. "EMDR and Mindfulness: The Perfect Marriage" - Melissa Tefft, LICSW
2B. "If the Buddha Practiced EMDR: Reflections on the Synergy of Ideas" - Barry Litt, MFT
2C. "Understanding how Dialetical Behavioral Therapy Can Enhance EMDR Treatment" - Nora Padykula, LICSW
2D. "Mindfulness, EMDR and Wounded Identity" - Robin Moulds, MEd and Suzanne Scheker, EdD
2E. "Children and Fidgety Folks: Journey to the Land of Mindfulness (Are we there yet?)" - Frankie Klaff, PhD
2nd Annual, April 8, 2006 EMDR and Family Related Trauma
Morning Plenary Session: "Trauma and the Family System" - Nancy Kudsen, MEd, LMFT
Morning Workshops:
1A. "EMDR and Cancer" - Pauline Scanlon, LICSW
2A. "Kitchur's Family Genogram Method of Target Identification for EMDR" - George Abbott, PhD
3A. "The Pseudo-self and the Development of a Solid Self: Bowen Theory and EMDR, Part 1" - Laurie Lasiter, PhD, LICSW and Julie Feeney, LICSW
4A. "The Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma: Ego Fragmentation and EMDR, Part I" - Barry Litt, MFT
Afternoon Plenary Session "EMDR: targeting the Repetition Compulsion in Couples Therapy" - Mark Karpel, PhD
Afternoon Workshops:
1B. "Integrating Individual and System Interventions in Trauma Treatment" - Ricky Greenwald, PsyD
2B. "Family Loyalty Based Blocks to EMDR Processing: Recognitions and EMDR Interventions to Manage Them" - Denise Gelinas, PhD
3B. "The Pseudo-Self and the Development of a Solid Self: Bowen Theory and EMDR, Part II" - Laurie Lasiter, PhD, LICSW, Julie Feeney, LICSW, and Nancy Knudsen, M.Ed., LMFT
1st Annual, March 26, 2005
Full Day Event: "Working with Afghani and Iraqi War Veterans and Their Families: An EMDR Training" - Susan Rogers, PhD